National Traffic
Our range of products and nationwide reach will ensure you meet and exceed the service expectations of your customers.
National Traffic
National traffic includes both our Interconnect and Number Portability services.
Interconnect provides essential connectivity between your network and ours, so calls made by your customers can be routed anywhere in Ireland or to any other public switched voice network around the world.
It provides connectivity for the delivery of calls which originate on our network, as well as access for geographic, mobile and non-geographic call services which terminate on our network or other interconnected networks.
Number portability allows businesses and consumers to transfer their phone service to you without the cost and inconvenience of changing numbers. It is available for both geographic and non-geographic numbers, such as 1800 and 1890.
Sell point to point circuits using eir’s unrivalled nationwide core and access network.
Available nationally and internationally, leased lines integrate with your customers’ existing global networks.