Multi-dwelling Units
Prepare your development for gigabit connectivity

Multi Dwelling Units – Apartments
open eir are deploying a full fibre gigabit network to 1.9 million premises in Ireland, and we would be delighted to include your Apartment development.
Whether your apartment is a greenfield site or already built and functioning, we can work with you to get your site connected to our full fibre gigabit broadband.
Our full fibre network delivers speeds today up to 2Gbps, but with that same connection it can deliver 5 times that in the future.
For help with planning the deployment of fibre into your development, new or old you can call us on 01- 4285000 to speak directly with one of our property team or follow the simple steps below.
Step 1
Plan ahead, the more time we know about your development, the more prepared we will all be.
Step 2
For help with planning the deployment of fibre into your new development you can email us at
Step 3
For existing properties that will require a retrofit, a member of our dedicated property team will be delighted to help - call us on 01 4285000
For existing apartments, brownfield sites
For existing apartments/brownfield sites, we offer an Invisible Fibre solution.
Our invisible fibre solution is a fast and easy method for installing fibre in multi-dwelling units, like apartment buildings. The cable is virtually invisible, requires little drilling or disruption, it's a quick and easy install. The fibre is fed directly outside each apartment door, requiring only a small hole to be drilled from the top of the door into the apartment for completion.
For support in deploying this solution into your existing property portfolio, please call 01- 4285000 to speak directly with one of our property team.