Reference Offers

Published reference offers relating to
interconnect, bitstream, local loop unbundling
and leased lines.

Someone signing a contract

Reference offers

Each reference offer sets out the menu of services authorised operators can select to offer and include in its agreement with open eir. In addition to the actual terms and conditions, each reference offer includes the following:
​Price Lists, Product Descriptions, Service Level Agreements​

Additional, specific product information can be found in the product line section of this website. Each version of each reference offer is numbered for reference and archives of previous versions are available on this site.

Reference Interconnect Offer (RIO)

The Reference Interconnect Offer sets out the services and terms and conditions relating to the following products: Interconnect Paths, Partial Private Circuits, Voice Services, Number Portability, Carrier Pre-Select and SB-WLR. In addition, to the actual terms and conditions, the Reference Offer includes Price Lists, relevant Product Descriptions (located in each Product Area) and Service Level Agreement(s) (located in each Product Area).

Access Reference Offer (ARO)

The Access Reference Offer (ARO) sets out the services and terms and conditions relating to access products including: Physical Co-Location, Line Sharing, and Unbundled Local Metallic Path. In addition to the actual terms and conditions, the Reference Offer includes a Price List, Product Descriptions and Service Level Agreements.

Wholesale Bitstream Access Reference Offer (WBARO)

The Wholesale Bitstream Access Reference Offer (WBARO) sets out the services and terms and conditions relating to the Bitstream Access Products for both standard and Minimum Term contracts. In addition to the actual terms and conditions, the Reference Offer also includes a Price List, Product Description and Service Level Agreement.

Leased Line Reference Offer (LLRO)

The Leased Line Reference Offer sets out the services and terms and conditions for network services, including: Leased Lines, Partial Private Circuits and Ethernet Services. In addition to the actual terms and conditions, the Reference Offer includes a Price List, relevant Product Descriptions (located in the Product section) and Service Level Agreements (located in the Product section).


In the Reference Offers Proposed section of the open eir website, you will find revised versions of prospective reference offers that have been notified to ComReg prior to the modifications becoming effective. The guidelines relating to the requirements for notification are set out in ComReg decision notices relating to each offering which are available on the ComReg website,

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