Data and PIA

Our range of products and nationwide reach will ensure you meet and exceed the service expectations of your customers.

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Physical Co-Location

Offering symmetric services of up to 10 Gbps, and superior resilience within the NGN network.

  • Our Physical Co-Location service offers you everything you need to install your equipment in an open eir local exchange.

  • We will provide you with a fully serviced area, situated in a dedicated suite, that can accommodate single and multiple racks.

  • Power, lighting and access to cable trays are all included.

  • You can choose the equipment you need and supply, install, operate and maintain it within our premises.

  • Using your own tie cable you can then connect to your customer’s line (two wire metallic path) via our Main Distribution Frame (MDF).

  • You will also be able to link up to your own network via a manhole located outside the building

A male worker climbing an electrical pole

Pole & Duct Access

Offering access to open eir's national duct & pole network.

  • Our Pole and Duct Access products provides Operators with the opportunity to have their fibre cable carried in open eir’s access network infrastructure

  • Giving Operators the opportunity to offer broadband service to their customers.

  • When Operators connect to the open eir access network infrastructure from their own network, then open eir’s ducts and poles become available to carry the Operator’s own fibre to their end customer.

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